Tuesday 27 October 2015

Can't sleep like I used to!

Take your sleep back to how it used to be before your neighbour got that broadband router upgrade.

Wireless radiation from your own wireless applications can be combated easily but if you turn all your technology off and still find you're having trouble sleeping, likelihood is your sleeping environment is being affected by none ionising radiation from a phone mast, your neighbours broadband router or any number of increasing technologies that communicate using wireless with you or other appliances.

We have come up with a simple, almost risk free way of taking your bedroom back in time a decade or so to a world where microwave radiation from wireless communications was not quite so intrusive in our lives.  Many of us suffer greatly from the disruption that RFR (radio frequency radiation) causes to our melatonin (the vital sleep hormone) production.  Now you can find out if this is your sleep issue and from our 11 years of expearience in this field, if you have sleep issues chances are RFR will be at least part of your problem by renting one of our sleep solutions for a month.  Try it youll be shocked at the improvment in your quality of sleep or simply return the canopy if not satisfied and only pay the small rental fee. View our EMF Bed Canopies

Wednesday 12 March 2014



My name is Art Kab. I am 47 years old. I have been married for 16 years and have a eight-year-old son.  I taught in Japan for over 18 years and then lived in China, where I was also teaching at the university level. After China, I moved to a sustainable community in India, which does not allow cell phone towers on its twenty-square kilometers of land and hence has extremely low levels of ambient electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

In November of 2004, I started working at a university in Japan. Within six months of moving into a new apartment and starting my new job I started to become ill. I gradually developed more and more adverse symptoms. First, I found myself suddenly waking up earlier and earlier until I got to the point where I could barely sleep anymore. I progressively developed the following symptoms: (1) excessive thirst, (2) night sweats, (3) brain fog, (4) swollen lymph glands, (5) fatigue (6) insomnia, (7) a weakened immune system, (8) nausea, (9) heart pain and palpitations, (10) back pain, (11) unexplained anxiety, (12) neurological symptoms, (13) vision problems (14) testicular pain, (15) loss of appetite, (16) rapid weight loss, (17) frequent urination, (18) dry eyes and mouth, (19) impaired memory, (20) inability to concentrate, (21) body temperature regulation problems ( i.e. chills), (22) bone pain, (23) intestinal disturbances, (24) skin rashes, (25) increased allergic sensitivities, and so on.

After searching on the Internet, I determined that I had the symptoms of what was most likely prematurely and misleadingly christened "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" by the Center of Disease Control (CDC) in 1988, four years after droves of people in the USA started complaining of the same symptoms in 1984 - when it was initially dubbed "Yuppie Flu" by the media. 1984 is ominously also the same year that the first commercial 1st generation (1G) cell phone system spread across the United States (and yuppies were the first to start using cell phones and computers). (This is also interestingly the time when the phenomena of what is called Colony Collapse Disorder [CCD], where whole colonies of bees started dying, made its initial appearance. Now, along with this microwave (MW) technology CCD has spread around the world and is now seemingly affecting food supplies.)

I went to see several specialist doctors in Japan who confirmed my suspicions and also gave me the common diagnosis in Japan of Autonomic Nervous System Disorder. Blood and other tests revealed high titers of Epstein Barr Virus, Cytomegalo Virus, Coxsackie Virus, Mycoplasma, Toxoplasma, Candida and so on.

As I progressively became sicker and sicker, I was no longer able to work. After searching on the Internet, I read one horror story after another of people who had contracted this strange syndrome and who had never recovered. Even the CDC states on their Website that CFS is an incurable disease (and a recent survey by the CDC put the rate at one in forty in the USA). And it has been well over two decades and they are still saying they do not know what causes this condition.

There have been a number of theories put forth as to what causes CFS stemming from viruses, mycoplasma, mercury toxicity, Candida, mold, chemical toxicity, free radicals, depletion of the body's store of antioxidants, allergic reactions, abuse as a child, to a genetic predisposition. Certainly, many of these are secondary factors contributing to the symptomology of this disease, which I firmly believe hence stem originally from a massive increase in an underlying cause: ambient EMR (especially microwave) permeating our environment.

After being ill for about six months and searching for answers about what causes this condition, I started to suspect electromagnetic radiation (EMR) - especially high frequency (HF) microwave radiation emitted by cell phones and cell-phone towers - as being the culprit. I had read of one person who had been ill for years with CFS and Crohn's Disease who claimed all his symptoms disappeared when he moved out from an apartment in a big city and into his parent's home out in the French countryside. I also noticed that I always felt better at night (as most people with CFS do) when most people are not using their cell phones - in spite of the fact that I was suffering from insomnia. Moreover, I would get these weird and unexplainable anxiety attacks at specific times of the day, which I later correlated with peak cell-phone usage times in Japan, where I was living at the time. Furthermore, I noticed that I would feel much better if I went to certain places, which I was later able to ascertain had less of this electrosmog now increasingly permeating the planet. People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (PWC) also feel worse when it rains and it is a known fact that cell phone towers will also boost their power output in rainy weather to boost signal strength and reception. Finally, I went to see an alternative doctor in Japan who stated very clearly in his brochure that disease is caused by a combination of factors: genetics, pathogens, chemical toxicity, metal toxicity, and - YES - exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR).

A little more research on the Internet revealed that the symptoms found in CFS are practically identical to what the Russians termed Microwave Sickness in the early seventies:

"In 1971, Zinaida V. Gordan and Maria N. Sadchikova of the USSR Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases described a comprehensive succession of symptoms, which they identified as Microwave Sickness. The initial symptoms are low blood pressure and slow pulse. The second stage includes headaches, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss, which are eventually followed by adrenal exhaustion and ischemic heart disease." (Becker, The Body Electric, 1985, pp. 314-315)

Moreover, numerous research studies have found these same symptoms found in people living in the vicinity of cell-phone towers (AKA mobile-phone masts) and this set of symptoms has also more recently been termed Microwave Syndrome. Furthermore, it has been found by a number of researchers that after approximately five years cancer clusters start forming around these towers-of-death.

Dr. Henry Lai, of the University of Washington, had postulated that the effects of exposure to long-term non-ionizing radiation could very well be similar to the effects of short-term exposure to ionizing radiation. In fact, this seems to be exactly what we are seeing in the symptoms in a number of disease states, which appeared or vastly increased in number with the advent of the mobile phone and WiFi and a drastic increase in ambient EMR in our environment. For example, the following symptoms are found in Radiation Sickness, CFS, and what is known as Microwave Sickness:
Fatigue Swollen Lymph Nodes Nausea Weakness Intestinal Problems Impaired Memory Impaired Concentration Insomnia Loss of Appetite Weight Loss Skin Rash Weakened Immunity Night sweats Heart Problems Visual Disturbances Chills Headaches Flu-like Symptoms

Furthermore, the REFLEX studies performed in twelve European countries have clearly proven that this is indeed what is happening. If one puts a frog in boiling water, the frog will become scalded and will immediately jump out of the water. However, if you put a frog in cold water and slowly heat the water, you can cook the frog. If you expose people to large doses of continuous ionizing radiation (e.g. Chernobyl or nuclear fallout) they will immediately become ill with radiation sickness. 

However, if you expose people gradually to low doses of non-ionizing radiation, their bodies will try to adapt, the effects will be more subtle, and hence they may not notice they are sick until it is too late (i.e. they develop cancer or some other serious disease).

The late Dr. Robert O. Becker - twice nominated for the Nobel Prize - wrote 21 years ago in his book, The Body Electric, the following with regards to the dangers EMR is posing:

"The dangers of electropollution are real and well documented. It changes, often pathologically, every biological system. What we don't know is exactly how serious these changes are, for how many people. The longer we as a society, put off a search for that knowledge, the greater the damage is likely to be and the harder it will be to correct." p. 304

After looking around in my immediate environment, I was able to ascertain that there were four 3rd generation (3G) cell-phone towers within a kilometer of my apartment, two of which were within 300 meters. Moreover, most of my adjacent neighbors had WiFi systems bleeding into my own apartment. On top of this, my office at the university I was working at was in direct line-of-sight propagation of a number of mobile phone masts and I was able to later measure extremely high levels of microwave radiation in my office. Finally, the city I was living in had started to implement its digital broadcasting system.

I finally found and decided to rent a log house up in the mountains of Japan - out of cell phone range (one of the very few places) - and immediately started to feel better with the immediate (within 24 hours) disappearance of many symptoms and with most of the rest of these symptoms gradually disappearing over a two month period. I stayed in this log house for a total of four months.

As my body started to heal, I started to become extremely sensitive to the EMR emitted by cell-phone towers and cell phones. Whenever I got into range of a cell-phone tower or people with cell phones (often before I could even see them), I would start to feel sick with nausea, pain in my heart, pressure in my skull, and pain in the lymph nodes. If someone were to make a cell phone call near me, these symptoms would become extremely exasperated. It was very noticeable on our weekly drive into the city  that symptoms like headaches, irritability, brain fog, muscle aches, nausea, heart pain and so on would soon appear only to disappear again when we returned to our cabin in the microwave-free zone up in the mountains. Some other things I noticed was that I always felt colder in the city (where it was actually much warmer) than I did in the mountains (where it was actually much colder). It seemed as if the exposure to MW radiation was also affecting my body's ability to regulate its temperature. Another interesting thing that happened is that my severe allergy to cedar pollen completely disappeared for the first time in twelve years - and this was in spite of the fact that we were living outside a small village called Cedar Mountain (Sugiyama) surrounded by nothing but cedar trees and that the news was reporting extremely high counts of cedar pollen in the air at that time of year. Since these hay fever symptoms had started in 1992, now in retrospect (and from research) I firmly believe the cause was the then increasing amount of EMR in the environment since this is just about the time that cell phones started to become popular. We were also able to notice an abundance of frogs in our microwave-free zone and we found this in other areas with little or no cell-phone radiation. On the other hand, we were unable to find any frogs whatsoever in areas heavily radiated with cell-phone microwave radiation.

Fortunately, a number of treatment modalities have alleviated and helped me to cope with this electrosensitivity more effectively. One has been heavy-metal chelation therapy, where by using a number of sulfur compounds that bind with metals one is able to and draw these metals out of the body. Another has been the removal of all metal fillings from the mouth. And finally the daily use of a large variety of antioxidants has helped tremendously.

I decided to leave Japan - one of the most electropolluted countries in the world - to look for a new place to live. After traveling through Thailand, India, Myanmar, and Laos, I decided to make Southwestern China my new home (and then moved to a sustainable community in India, where there is even less of this radiation and a growing awareness about this problem among the people who live there). I decided against going to any advanced Western countries, since these also seem to have the most advanced microwave communication systems (3G and WiMax) and I seem to fare better with the 2nd generation systems now still prevalent in most developing countries. Also, I have - I believe due to microwave exposure - developed a number of sensitivities. At this point, more and more people are getting sick from long-term exposure to electrosmog and urgently seek a place - a refuge - in this world where they can heal in a place where there is no or little EMR emitted by cell phone towers and other sources. Such places are now being called Zone Blanche (or White Zones).

With the advent of cellular-phone microwave technology and WiFi and the drastic increase in the ambient electromagnetic radiation it has produced, the world has seen a major increase in disease states like Autism, ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) (AKA ME [Myalgic Encephalomyelitis] in the UK), Insomnia, Behavior Disorders, Allergies, Asthma, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), all forms of cancer (e.g. Brain Tumors, Breast Cancer, Leukemia, etc.), and so on. And we don't just have correlation here since there are indeed numerous studies also showing causation.

At present, brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer death in children in the USA (and now the UK and Australia) surpassing leukemia in 2002. A recent British newspaper put the present rate of Autism at one in forty (while more conservative estimates in the USA are putting it at one in one hundred). Forty million Americans now take sleep medication for insomnia (up 60% since 2000) while 60% suffer from sleep disturbances. The use of sleeping medication also tripled for young adults (under the age of 45) between the years 1998 and 2006. A recent survey by the CDC also put the number of people with CFS (PWC) at one in forty.

While Dr. Robert O. Becker's warnings went mainly unheeded in the 80s and 90s, in the first decade of the 21st century it seems that more and more people are starting to take this threat more seriously and now certain governments around the world have finally initiated the process of taking action. Below is a chronicle of some of these events:

In 2002, a number of German doctors - belonging to the Interdisciplinary Society of Environmental Medicine - issued the Freiburger Appeal (closing with close to 40,000 signatories) after noting a cause-and-effect relationship between the increase in wireless technology (cell phones, WiFi, DECT, etc.) and "a dramatic rise in severe and chronic diseases" like behavioral disorders, ADD, blood pressure disorders, heart attacks and strokes, brain-degenerative diseases, and cancers like leukemia and brain tumors.

In 2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) finally and officially recognized electro-sensitivity as a bona-fide disorder - in spite of the fact of well-known collusion with and funding being received from - via Repacholi - the cell-phone industry.

Also in 2005, the Vienna Doctors' Chamber (Wiener Arztekammer) - after the REFLEX Study clearly showed genetic damage - created posters (posted in hospital waiting rooms) warning of dangers and listing rules for use.

In Aug. 2007, a report - issued by an international group of renowned scientists, researchers, doctors, and public health experts - entitled the BioInitiative (www.bioinitiative.org) warns

"Wireless technologies that rely on microwave radiation to send emails and voice communication are thousands of times stronger than levels reported to cause some health impacts. Prolonged exposure to radiofrequency and microwave radiation from cell phones, cordless phones, cell towers, WI-FI and other wireless technologies have been linked to physical symptoms including headache, fatigue, sleeplessness, dizziness, changes in brainwave activity, and impairment of concentration and memory."

In Sept. 2007, the German government warned its citizenry not to use mobile phones (only in emergencies) and WiFi.

In Italy, Japan, and a growing number of other countries (most recently France) children are now banned from bringing cell phones to schools. In May of 2009 France passed a law completely banning cell phones in its elementary schools with many other French municipalities deciding to remove WiFi systems from their schools.

In Nov. 2007, the city of Paris voted to ban WiFi in Public Libraries with other libraries following suit in 2009.

In Dec. 2007, an Australian Democrats commissioned discussion paper found microwave radiation from cell phone towers to very likely be behind the drastic rise in disease states like cancer, diabetes, asthma, allergies and Alzheimer's disease, etc.

In May of 2008, Dr. Vini Khurana, Ph.D. and leading Australian brain surgeon, issued a report showing evidence in support of a growing global health crisis due to the use of mobile phones.
On November 3rd, 2008 Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich wrote to Mr. Martin of the FCC stating
"FCC adoption of rules to authorize use of White Spaces spectrum for wireless devices operating in the home will lead to the repeated, chronic, long-term exposure of individuals, at all age levels, and to more frequencies and quantities of radiofrequency (RF) radiation at very close range than is currently the case. Whether these exposures pose human health risks is under investigation by members of the scientific and public health research communities. I am writing to remind FCC to consider the potential for serious human health effects that could result from the proliferation of these devices in the home, before allowing the proliferation of such devices." http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/?p=1045

In January, 2009, the country of Belgium decided to reduce the levels of allowable ambient microwave radiation from 20.6 V/m to 3 V/m while Finish authorities recommended restricting the use of mobile phones by children. In the city of Lyon, France, I campaign was underway to limit use of cell phones for children under 12 while the French Government banned completely the advertising of cell phones to children.

On February 10th, 2009, Dr. Thomas M. Rau, MD, Medical Director of the Paracelsus Clinic said thatto expose children in schools to electromagnetic radiation, known to impair brain function and learning, is "criminal". He further stated that "It is unethical to expose children to electromagnetic load in this way. We know that power stations for electromagnetic waves like mobile phones are hurting the brains of children, so to put such stations into schools is really…very, very, very bad.... Does the school, or does the society, really want to have intelligent, well-educated children, or not?.... If you install mobile phone towers, which radiate to the children, their intelligence, their brain capacity, decreases. You will have more ADD children, you will have less function of the brain, which in the long term reflects on the intelligence of the children, of the possibility to really teach children, and in the long term, the more this overcomes society, the more we will have dumb children."

On February 12th, 2009, a number of German doctors wrote a letter to President Barack Obama, the US Congress, and American citizens warning of negative health consequences seen in Germany due to digital broadcasting.

At a major conference in Brussels entitled "EMF and Health: Science and Policy to address public concerns" a large number of the world's leading EMR experts issued "Expression of Concern" statements: 

In March of 2009, an article by Dr. Lennart Hardell in the journal Pathophysiology stated that people who start using a mobile phone before the age of twenty are 5.2 times more likely to develop brain cancer.

March, 2009, brought a reversal of public opinion in France and an unprecedented number of lawsuits were brought against the cell phone giants.

On March 5th, 2009, a French judge, in an unprecendented judgement, forbed the installation of a phone mast based on the precautionary principle stating

"There is a health risk for people living nearby....It is preferable to reduce to a minimum the exposure level of potentially vulnerable people such as children and certain people who are sick....In the light of uncertainties over the guarantees offered for the protection of a sensitive building such as the municipal school ... the precautionary principle compels us to forbid the realisation of the plans to install relay antennas in the bell tower of the church of Notre-Dame d'Allençon."

On March 23rd, 2009, Professor Dominique Belpomme read a statement representing himself, Franz Adlkofer, Lennart Hardell and Olle Johannson to a French Senate Symposium stating:

"We, physicians, acting in accordance with the Hippocratic Oath, we, researchers, acting in the name of scientific truth, we all, doctors and researchers from the different States of the European Union, hereby state in full independence of judgement, that a growing number of patients are to be found who have become intolerant to electromagnetic fields, and that this intolerance is causing them serious prejudice in terms of health, professional and family life; that the possibility of their developing a neurodegenerative disease, or even some form of cancer, cannot be ruled out, and that this prejudice therefore ought to be acknowledged and compensated for by the social security systems of the different member States of the European community.

We hereby warn governments, that in view of our present knowledge, it is not to be ruled out that after a sufficient period of exposure, this intolerance might also affect children and therefore cause a major public health problem in years to come in all the countries making an unrestricted use of electromagnetic field based technologies."

In April 2009, the Breast Cancer Fund cautioned women to reduce their exposure to non-ionizing radiation.

On April 2nd, 2009, the European Parliament approved a resolution on health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields.

On April 8th, 2009, fifty Dutch "doctors presented an appeal to Dutch political leaders and government health authorities at The Hague" calling for a minimization of exposure to electromagnetic radiation after noting an increase in a number of serious health concerns which correlate with the explosion of EMR in the past few decades.

On April 9th, 2009, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers in the UK called for the removal of wireless networks in schools to prevent children from getting cancer and becoming sterile.
On April 17th, 2009, five members of the French Senate presented a bill which would restrict exposure to EMR.

The month of May in 2009 was proclaimed Electromagnetic Sensitivity Awareness Month in the states of Florida, Connecticut, and Colorado.

On May 5th, 2009 Dr. Magda Havas, one of the world's leading experts on the hazards due to exposure to EMR, wrote an Open Letter to Parents, Teachers, School Boards, Regarding Wi-Fi Networks in Schools

"I am a scientist who does research on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation and I am becoming increasingly concerned that a growing number of schools are installing WiFi networks and are making their school grounds available for cell phone antennas."

On May 20th, 2009, the Portland City Council formally passed a resolution asking the FCC to look into health concerns due to wireless antennas.

On May 26, 2009, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board unanimously passed a resolution regarding ongoing wireless proliferation near schools which also included a statement in favor of repealing the Telecommunication Act of 1996's preemption of cell tower sitings due to considerations of health and environmental concerns.

Also, in May of 2009, the French government decided to try out the BioInitiative Working Group's recommendation of 0.6 V/m ambient EMR levels on a trial basis in several French cities.
In recent years there has been a severe disappearance in insects, amphibians (frogs, snakes, etc.), birds, (and now bats). Research has indeed connected this disappearance with the global rise in ambient EMR in our environment.

While it seems that finally there is a growing awareness regarding this problem, until very recently in many places in the world (including the USA) there had been nothing but a media blackout regarding the danger this is posing to life on our planet. And now it seems that since they can no longer ignore the problem that there is an effort - via certain media outlets - to the planting disinformation and doubt attempting to belittle this extremely serious problem by ridiculing it and the people aware they are being affected by it.

Many people who know nothing whatsoever about this problem will try to argue with you by spewing out vacant cliches they heard or read somewhere (probably on TV or in the newspaper) hence bypassing any of their critical thinking faculties. However, when presented with the facts, these baseless arguments soon crumble like dust. It is unfortunate what people in the advertising (i.e. propaganda) industries know to be too true: That if you repeat something enough times, people don't just start believing it, they will actually start repeating it themselves - in other words, "Doubt is Their Product." It is their main means of establishing controversy.

A system which puts profits before people is bound to fail in the long term. It seems that the endemic thinking out there is not so much about how they can solve the problem, but rather how they can profit off the problem -- and we can indeed say that the medical industry is profiting big time from the proliferation of illness-causing electropollution. That is the problem!!!

We need to create an environment which promotes health and well-being and not one that furthers the relentless greed for profits of the corporations and the people behind them! Hence, we need stringent laws regulating the amounts of ambient electromagnetic pollution in our environments; we need to ban genetically-modified foods and chemicals in our environments; educate people to take care of their bodies and the environment to which they are tied; and we need to empower alternative medicine practioners. Collusion of the WHO, the FDA, other governmental and international institutions with Big Pharma, Big Cellular, and Big Chemical needs to end!

Sincerely yours,

Art Kab (emfrefugee@gmail.com)

Saturday 24 September 2011

Steve please read this?

I am a long-time Apple user. My first Apple computer was the Apple 512k that I used as a “portable” computer for several years. You opened the world of technology to so many people who could intuitively use a Mac with no need for instructions. I use it for my teaching (as a university professor) and my research (on electrosmog and electrosensitivity). For that I thank you. Your products, since those early computers, are marvellous but I have some serious concerns about the wireless components. I work with people who have become electrically sensitive and become ill when exposed to radio frequency radiation. The US government is unwilling to acknowledge how dangerous this technology is so it is up to industry leaders and innovators, like yourself and your company, to lead the way. Have your scientists been honest with you about the dangers of RF radiation or have they tried to shield you from this information? This is what the science is showing and it is likely to get a lot worse so please consider innovations that allow users to connect as safely as possible. The pulsed radio frequencies have been associated with various types of cancers including–but not limited to–gliomas (brain), acoustic neuromas (ear), uveal melanomas (eyes), and parotid (salivary gland) tumors that appear, often on the same side of the head exposed to a cell phone, after 10 years of moderate to heavy use. Kids are at a greater risk because they don’t have a developed immune system and their cells are dividing rapidly. Exposure to the radiation generated by cell phones and wireless computers are linked to deformed sperm that swim slowly and die quickly. This–in turn–is contributing to problems with declining fertility for couples wanting to get pregnant. Cell phone users complain of headaches, skin problems, brain fog, depression, anxiety, ringing in the ear. Those who live near cell phone antennas have similar complaints including difficulty sleeping, body pain, nausea, and dizziness. The risk of cancers, for those living near these antennas, is increasing. Radiation affects the immune system and can lead to secondary ailments. It places stress on the body as shown by heat shock protein research. It increases the permeability of the blood brain barrier allowing potentially toxic substances to enter the brain. I could go on but I think you get the point. By allowing apps on smart phones that enable people to measure their exposure to radiation, you will help raise their awareness and allow them to make more informed choices about when and how they use their smart phones, wireless computers, ipads, etc. We are not going to give up our smart phones, just like we are not going to give up our cars, but learning how to drive safely and having seat belts and other innovations that protect the occupant and those on the road are as vital for the car driver as they are for the billions of mobile phone users. The two most important aspects of a quality life are having loving friends and good health. With your many innovations you enable friends to keep in touch . . . now enable them to do so safely without sacrificing their health. Very sorry to hear about your recent resignation and your on-going health problems. May your health improve and may you take this message seriously and instruct the many brilliant staff working for Apple who can make a difference to do so . . . for the good of humanity. -magda

Cell Phone Hazards: The End of an Era

The era when cell phones safety was taken for granted is as done as a hotdog on an unwatched backyard grill. The science confirming that pulsed digital microwave radiation from cell phones can be harmful has become stronger and clearer. In San Francisco where officials have passed a law giving people the basic right to know about cellphone risks, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) claims that people will become confused by referring to cell phones as two-way microwave radiating devices and insists that the more benign phrase be used to depict this radiation—radiofrequency energy. In their suit to block this new law, the CTIA claims that all phones are equally safe. The effort to spin the science on cell phones has a long industry. In 1994, long before cellphones were ubiquitous, University of Washington scientists Henry Lai and N. J. Singh showed that pulsed microwave radiation unraveled DNA in the brain of lab rats. The industry response to this inconvenient finding was straightforward. Some industry representatives sought to keep this research from seeing the light of day and asked the journal that had accepted their research paper to rescind publication. When this failed, Motorola adopted what it described as a “war-gamed” set of public relations initiatives against the results—mobilizing professional public relations experts to cast doubt on the work. In fact, many studies since then have found that cell phone radiation, whether from older or newer phones, significantly alters brain chemistry and blood flow, weakens the blood brain barrier, releases unusual proteins and causes a host of biological responses. Thus, in 2006, Finnish researchers produced evidence of altered brain energy after cell phone use and in 2002 researchers in Austria presented parallel evidence of other significant changes. Fast forward to 2011. Accusations of scientific fraud were widely publicized and leveled against a 12-laboratory European collaboration after it found further evidence that cell phone radiation induced biological damage. Yet proof that no fraud occurred has not received similar publicity. Exonerated by several internal university reviews, recently that work was further strengthened when yet another investigation found no evidence of fraud. Today, hypotheses linking pulsed microwave radiation from cell phones to various types of biological damage are moving from the rarified world of little known research to the foundation for landmark shifts in public perception and, ultimately, life-saving policies in Israel, France, Finland, and many other nations. In fact, the World Health Organization expert review of the topic in May 2011 advised that cellphone and other forms of wireless radiation should be regarded as a possible human carcinogen. Based on its own review of the matter, the President’s Cancer Panel in 2010, drawing on what it heard from experts in the field about growing rates of rare tumors that could be tied with cell phones, called for both serious research and precautionary actions on cell phones and other wireless devices. Yet the rest of the government has not received that memo. In advising that cellphones should be used cautiously with headsets and speakerphones and that children should limit use altogether, WHO experts are in accord with the authors of the Fifteen Reasons for Concern about Cell Phones and Brain Tumors (see www.radiationresearch.org) and recent reports from neurosurgeons in Australia Charles Teo and Vini Khurauna, in Britain, Kevin O’Neill and in the U.S., Santosh Kesari and Keith Black. Here’s what the FCC website says about Children and Cell phones as of February 1, 2011: “The scientific evidence does not show a danger to any users of cell phones from RF exposure, including children and teenagers.” It is time for a change.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Cell towers infect The USA with insomnia

Today, millions of Americans in cities awaken around 3 in the morning and then struggle to get back to sleep. As the number of devices (cell phones, iPods, GPS, Wi-Fi, smart meters, wireless broadband for laptop computers, etc.) that emit microwave radiation has increased in the past 10 years, so has the number of Americans who suffer from sleep interruptions. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the percent of people who are not satisfied with the quality of their sleep has increased from 15% of the population (43 million) in 2002 to 40% (120 million) in 2009. In addition, there has been a proportional increase in the number of people using prescription drugs for insomnia. Marching in step with both these numbers has been a steady and proportional increase in the number of cell phone towers and antennas and devices that use wireless technology based on high-frequency microwave radiation. Today we have over 100,000 cell phone relay towers in the US and 2 million antennas.The increasing level of electromagnetic pollution has caused the nation's health to spiral downward. It is like watching a train wreck in slow motion; no one seems to be able to stop it. Too many people are in denial that any problem exists at all. Most public discussion has been limited to cell phones and how long it takes for them to give you a brain tumor, but the sleeping giant of all health problems from this technology is itself sleep interruptions. The number of adults developing high blood pressure due to sleep interruptions is increasing by about 500,000 every month. The percent of adults with hypertension is moving on a fast track from 1 in 3 to half the population. Like a volcano building up pressure leading to an eruption, tens of thousands of strokes and heart attacks will soon follow, if not already under way. I have written a book, Insomnia, Fatigue and Cell-Phone Towers, in an attempt to awaken the public to the perils of electromagnetic pollution from microwave radiation and provide a number of solutions. The following interview with Beverly from Las Vegas is excerpted from the book and shows the depth of the problem as well as the denial of the problem that grows worse by the hour.

Controversial but very likely true, even understated

Yesterday we remembered the terrible terrorist attacks that killed thousands of innocent people on Sept 11, 2001. It was easy to recognise the horror of the situation, explosions, fire, bodies and wreckage all shown live and repeated on television many times in the ten years since. A disaster with much worse consequences may now be taking place but in slow motion. Exposure to microwave radiation is likely to harm very many more people than 911, but it will not be nearly as visible, newsworthy and shocking. Cancer, various illnesses, shortened lives and slow painful deaths are likely to be the consequences of using wireless convenience devices such as cell phones, cordless telephones and Wi Fi. Who are the terrorists that are allowing this to happen? Why are Governments not taking this known threat seriously and protecting the public?

Another White Zone

Dozens of Americans who claim to have been made ill by wi-fi and mobile phones have flocked to the town of Green Bank, West Virginia More than five billion people use mobile phones worldwide and advances in wireless technology make it increasingly difficult to escape the influence of mobile devices. But while most Americans seem to embrace continuous connectivity, some believe it's making them physically ill. Diane Schou is unable to hold back the tears as she describes how she once lived in a shielded cage to protect her from the electromagnetic radiation caused by waves from wireless communication. "It's a horrible thing to have to be a prisoner," she says. "You become a technological leper because you can't be around people. "It's not that you would be contagious to them - it's what they're carrying that is harmful to you." Ms Schou is one of an estimated 5% of Americans who believe they suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), which they say is caused by exposure to electromagnetic fields typically created by cell phones, wi-fi and other electronic equipment. Hiding in a cage Symptoms range from acute headaches, skin burning, muscle twitching and chronic pain. Diane Schou says she was forced to live in a shielded cage in Iowa, prior to moving to West Virginia "My face turns red, I get a headache, my vision changes, and it hurts to think. Last time [I was exposed] I started getting chest pains - and to me that's becoming life threatening," Ms Schou says. To alleviate the pain, her husband built an insulated living space known as a Faraday Cage. He covered a wooden frame with two layers of wire mesh and a door that could be sealed shut to prevent radio waves from entering. Diane spent much of her time inside it, sleeping on a twin mattress on a plywood base. "At least I could see my husband on the outside, I could talk to him," she says. Diane believes her illness was triggered by emissions from a mobile phone mast. Her symptoms were so severe that she abandoned her family farm in the state of Iowa and moved to Green Bank, West Virginia - a tiny village of 143 residents in the heart of the Allegheny Mountains. Outlawed wireless technology Green Bank is part of the US Radio Quiet Zone, where wireless is banned across 13,000 sq miles (33,000 sq km) to prevent transmissions interfering with a number of radio telescopes in the area. The largest is owned by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and enables scientists to listen to low-level signals from different places in the universe. Others are operated by the US military and are a critical part of the government's spy network. As a result of the radio blackout, the Quiet Zone has become a haven for people like Diane, desperate to get away from wireless technology. The world's largest, fully steerable radio telescope is operated in the town of Green Bank "Living here allows me to be more of a normal person. I can be outdoors. I don't have to stay hidden in a Faraday Cage," she says. "I can see the sunrise, I can see the stars at night, and I can be in the rain. "Here in Green Bank allows me to be with people. People here do not carry cells phones so I can socialise. "I can go to church, I can attend some celebrations, I can be with people. I couldn't do that when I had to remain in the Faraday Cage." But EHS is not medically recognised in the US.

Saturday 10 September 2011

School throws out WiFi

A private school in Ontario has cut its wireless Internet network over concerns that the technology causes health issues in students. Pretty River Academy in Collingwood, Ont., a private school with 150 students attending kindergarten to Grade 12, is the first Ontario school to remove Wi-Fi from campus. The school's old Wi-Fi system was taken out over the summer and replaced with Ethernet connections ahead of the first day of the school year. In May the World Health Organization said radio frequency radiation from WiFi and cell phones posed a similar health threat to DDT, lead and car exhaust. Principal Roberta Murray-Hirst says the new hard-wired Internet system is actually faster than their previous system and gives teachers control over when students can go online. Murray-Hirst said they did not receive any complaints from students or parents about health concerns but decided to take the precaution anyway. "We like to be proactive and obviously safety is always a concern," she said. The debate over wireless Internet in Ontario schools grew heated last summer when a group of elementary school teachers attempted to have the technology banned from classrooms in the Niagara region. The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario voted in 2010 to keep wireless Internet. In August, the group voted to establish a committee for studying Wi-Fi in classrooms. A group called the Safe Schools Committee has also continued to push for a ban. They claim exposure to wireless Internet causes headaches, insomnia and rashes in students – afflictions that seem to subside on weekends and vacations, only to return when the kids go back to school. Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health said wireless Internet posed no threat to children at schools.

Spanish court recognises Electro-sensitivity

Hypersensitivity to the waves produced by mobile phones becomes a new cause of permanent disability. Spain, September 2011 .- This has been ruled by the Labour Court to declare Madrid 24 permanent incapacitation of a college professor who suffered from chronic fatigue and environmental and electromagnetic hypersensitivity. The ruling is unique in this regard and make a precedent for future conditions related to hypersensitivity to these waves. The verdict was issued on 23 May and gave the teachers 100% of his base salary, which amounted to 1640.80 euros. Team Assessment of the Social Security disability (EVI), recognized in clinical diagnosis: chronic fatigue syndrome, celiac disease, fibromyalgia syndrome and environmental electromagnetic hypersensitivity, yet they dismissed the patient's disability. The Labour Court in Madrid again puts into question the criteria for the granting of this degree by the provincial leadership of the national institute, and recognizes the rights of the applicant stating that presents enormous problems for the performance of their tasks " with appropriate level of professionalism and performance. " Legal Medical Group would like to echo this statement pioneer in the defense of those who are entitled to a permanent disability pension, and upholds the spirit of not giving any circumstances for lost, when there is sufficient medical and legal basis. Legal Medical Group is a pioneer in the defense of those who apply for disability, accident or illness, advising them from a technical point of view, medical and legal since 1978.

Motorola corruption

US regulators are investigating an Austrian lobbyist and US telecom maker Motorola over alleged bribes of up to 2.2 million euros (NZ$3.68m), Austrian weekly Profil revealed at the weekend. From April 2004 onwards, Motorola apparently transferred up to 2.2 million euros to three firms controlled by lobbyist Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, Profil said in a summary of a report to be published on Monday, local time. Mensdorff-Pouilly then used this money to make “illegal payments” to key political figures in Europe and the Middle East, it said. The US Securities and Exchange Commission had evidence that “people in office” were bribed with presents and holidays, and has now launched a probe against Mensdorff-Pouilly and Motorola, Profil added. The news magazine already reported last week on an alleged contract between the lobbyist and the US telecom company over a digital radio project by the Austrian government. Mensdorff-Pouilly allegedly helped secure the project for a consortium including Motorola and Telekom Austria, gaining up to 2.6 million euros in the process, according to Profil. Telekom Austria is itself facing a wave of corruption claims that emerged in recent weeks, and on Friday announced an external probe by international experts into the allegations. Mensdorff-Pouilly himself is no stranger to corruption claims. In January 2010, he was charged in Britain with bribing European officials to secure fighter jet contracts for defence giant BAE Systems. The charges were eventually dropped.