Saturday 28 March 2009

The Approach of Other Countries...

World governments are not sure what to say or do anymore
Let’s take a quick world tour and see what governments are doing.
GERMANYA study encouraged by the German Federal Agency for Radiation Protection by Eger, Hagen, Lucas, Vogel & Voit, examined whether people living within 400 metres of a mobile phone mast were more at risk of developing cancer than those who lived further away. Case histories of 1,000 patients between 1994 and 2004 were evaluated for the study. Newly diagnosed cancers were significantly higher among those who had lived for 10 years within 400 metres of the mast, in operation since 1993, compared with those living further away, and the patients had fallen ill on average 8 years earlier. People living within 400 metres of the mast in Naila had three times the risk of developing cancer than those living further away. This seems to be an undeniable clustering of cancer cases. The project in Germany is to continue in the form of a register. In other words the study they encouraged came back with the wrong answers.
SWEDENIn Sweden people suffering from Electrosensitivity (susceptibility to radio frequency radiation and other forms of electrical pollution known now in Europe as electrosmog) are recognized and treated by their doctors on the National Health Service.
UNITED KINGDOMWell generally speaking in this country we are in denial but lets look at some of the thoughts and comments from one of this country’s most respected media outlets Panorama on the subject. Their program in May 2007 focused on wireless networks in Schools. The Government insists Wi-Fi is safe, but a Panorama investigation shows that radio frequency radiation levels in some schools are up to three times the level found in the main beam of intensity from mobile phone masts. There have been no studies on the health effects of Wi-Fi equipment, but thousands on mobile phones and masts. The radiation Wi-Fi emits is similar to that from mobile phone masts. It is an unavoidable by-product of going wireless. In the last 18 months another two million of us in the UK have begun using Wi-Fi. Entire cities have become what are known as wireless hotspots.

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